Roasted Zoodles – Garden Goodness


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Is your refrigerator starting to look like a garden party of zucchini? Then take out your tools— Spiralizer, a julienne peeler—and turn those vegetables into oodles of zoodles.  The shape adds to the fun and flavour of these Roasted Zoodles.

Roasted Zoodles

Roasted Zoodles

  • 3 jumbo zucchini (3 lb total), made into thick noodles
  • 2 t olive oil
  • 2 T grated parmesan
  • 1 T plus 1 teaspoon each fresh finely chopped basil, thyme
  • 1 t Herbamare or sea salt

Roasted Zoodles

Preheat oven to 400F.

Roasted Zoodles

In a small bowl, combine oil, cheese, 1 tablespoon of each herb and salt. On a large roasting pan, mix all ingredients and roast, tossing once or twice, for 30 minutes, until thoroughly softened. Plate, then garnish with the remaining teaspoon of each herb and lemon wedges. Serve as a side dish or as a topping on real noodles. Serves 5-6.

Roasted Zoodles Print Ready Recipe

Roasted Zoodles

Final notes: